What is it like to intern at Candybox?

In this guest post, Rahul Sura, Candybox’s first summer intern, tells us about his experience at Candybox. As the first intern at a small start up, I was thrilled to embrace my internship opportunity at Candybox. This was to be my first internship since starting college and would also be fully remote, so I had […]

Salesforce Summer ‘21 Release: Top 10 Features

Salesforce’s Summer 21 release notes contain some interesting new features and pilots. We’ve highlighted some key features we think are worth exploring. Read on to see our top ten updates for this release. 1. Add More Custom Fields! In news that will either delight or horrify admins everywhere, the total hard limit for custom fields […]

How to Pick the Right Salesforce Consultant for Your Company

Salesforce is a powerful tool for organizations, making it possible to run a profitable, growing company. But like any great tool, it’s only as effective as the skills of the person who wields it. Businesses can fully utilize Salesforce with the right consultant. A professional who can integrate the platform with the needs of your […]

How to audit your Salesforce technical debt

We’ve written extensively about the issues of technical debt in Salesforce and how it can affect the revenue-generating arm of a business. A Salesforce instance affected by technical debt will require more resourcing both to maintain and to implement changes, and will frustrate users due to unwieldy, error-prone processes. Technical debt is usually introduced into […]

Salesforce Spring ‘21 Release: Top 10 Features

Salesforce Spring ‘21 release notes contain some real gems. If you don’t have the time to sift through all of them, we’ve highlighted some key features we think are of particular interest. Read on to see our top ten updates for this release. 1. Flow Improvements There are so many flow improvements in this release […]

Spring ‘21: Survey Improvements

For many years, Salesforce left surveying features to third-party vendors. However, since the Spring ‘18 release, Surveys are now available for creation and sharing from right within Salesforce, no coding required. Here are some great updates from the Spring ‘21 release that we think will have an impact on how you send, share and create […]

Spring ‘21: The 8 Best Flow Improvements

Flows are one of the most powerful and efficient tools to automate processes in Salesforce. However, they’ve long suffered some limitations that forced admins to continue using Process Builder. In this update, we’re seeing some of those main limitations being addressed, meaning there are fewer and fewer reasons to continue using Process Builder over Flow. […]

Will Salesforce Acquire Slack?

Many of you will have already seen articles by publishers such as Forbes, Venturebeat, Techcrunch and the Financial Times that indicate that Salesforce is in talks to acquire the popular collaboration tool, Slack. For those of you who aren’t up to speed yet, here’s the lowdown: A few days ago, rumours began circulating that Salesforce […]

Behind the curtain: How Sleek are powering events though Salesforce

Sleek is a cutting-edge London events agency that connects cloud-based companies with the real world through unforgettable experiences and events. Every day, team members at Sleek coordinate all the moving parts that make an event memorable – sometimes months in advance. Despite solid growth, Sleek did not have a streamlined process for their business development […]

How to consolidate your Salesforce Process Builders

Overview In our last article, we talked about how easy it is for process builders to bloat over time, causing significant technical debt and Apex CPU timeouts. In this article, we want to guide you through what that process of consolidation actually looks like. This is unfortunately not a project you can expect to be […]

Avoiding Apex CPU Timeout Errors: Process Builder Edition

It’s a scene that is likely all-too-familiar to the average Salesforce user or admin: you’re trying to complete what seems like a pretty simple task like doing a data load or updating some records. Then BAM! You’re hit with a big, nasty error that looks something like this: Apex CPU time limit exceeded: a Salesforce […]